We will contact you prior to your item shipping, and schedule a date and time.
Usually items will ship from our warehouse within 7 days of payment.
Some items may take longer to ship from our warehouse and will be stated in the product description.
We only offer default shipping options to a restricted area due to the complexity of shipping and moving some of our products.
Contact us for other options if our store says products do not ship to your location as alternate arrangements to ship to your location may be available.
By default we offer a in home/office delivery option. Products will be taken into home or office and placed in your preferred location.
By default we do not deliver upstairs, unless there is an elevator available. Upstairs deliveries may be available if an arrangement is made prior to delivery.
If nobody is available at scheduled time of delivery products may be left outside and you will be notified.
Some products may not be delivered inside if minimum door width is less than 750mm.